Pastoral Ministry
For more information on any of these Pastoral Care Ministries or to become involved, please contact the parish office (726-4228).
Homebound Ministry
Homebound ministries maintain a connection with our homebound parishioners and bring communion to those who desire it. Connecting with our homebound is accomplished through visitation as well as via mail and phone calls. Training is required and provided. Time commitment is flexible however, a minimum of one visit per month is required. Time involved is negotiated between the visitation minister and the homebound parishioner(s). Attendance at scheduled ministry gatherings is highly encouraged.
Hospital Visitation Ministry
This team involves visiting parishioners who are hospitalized at various area hospitals and beyond. When visiting, ministers bring the gift of their listening presence and strengthen and make visible the bonds of Godly love, care and concern with the faith community and those who are hospitalized. As living symbols of faith, the hospital visitation ministers of St. Thomas the Apostle communicate to each person the love of the community and the love of God through our presence, word, and actions. Training is required and provided. Time commitment involved is flexible and variable. Attendance at scheduled ministry gatherings is highly encouraged.
Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement ministers offer support by establishing and maintaining a connection with bereaved parishioners for a period of one year following the death of a loved one through printed information, mailings, and if requested, visitation and phone contact. Training is provided. Time commitment is flexible and based upon the needs/wishes of the bereaved. Attendance at scheduled ministry meetings is highly recommended. A minimum of a one-year commitment to the ministry is required.