Worship & Spirituality
Worship Community
Comprised of parish and pastoral team representatives which oversees the liturgical life of the parish.
Liturgy Coordinator: Vickie Frauenfeld
Hospitality Ministers:
The role of the hospitality minister is to serve God’s people by warmly greeting and welcoming parishioners and visitors as they gather for Mass. This person assists with opening doors to St. Thomas and the worship space. They hand out liturgical aids to those who come to worship and are responsible for taking up the collection. After Mass they bag up the collection, collect the liturgical aids, and tidy up if needed. New ministers are invited to a training session.
A lector proclaims the Word of God during Mass. God’s Word is alive and the lector is the person who brings it to life for the worship assembly. New lectors are invited to a training session.
Eucharistic Ministers
The Eucharistic minister assists the priest and/or deacon in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. A Eucharistic minister is a confirmed member of the church with a reverence for the persons being served and of the sacrament shared and has participated in a training session for Eucharistic ministers.
The sacristan assists in the immediate preparation for Mass. General duties include the preparation of the bread and wine, books and vessels. The sacristan also assist liturgical minister as directed. Training and mentoring is provided.
Altar Servers
An altar server assists the priest and deacon during the Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations. Because of the reverence and maturity needed for this ministry, the requirement is that altar servers be in 4th grade or older.
Altar Servers (Funerals)
A funeral server assists the priest during a funeral Mass. A funeral server usually is an adult.
Cross Bearer
They are responsible for leading the processions before and after Mass.
Please contact Vickie Frauenfeld if you would like to be involved with the Liturgical Ministries!