Greetings from Sister Marlita/Saludos de Sister Marlita
With all the changes in our connecting the past month since March 15, I never had a chance to say something more to all of you about...
Greetings from Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
On Wednesday this past week, I shared the words/ melody to a song I wrote many moons ago, and even though some of you are not able to...
Greetings From Sister Marlita / Saludos de Sister Marlita
There are many different take -aways from our being “sheltered inside” these past weeks. Some can turn us to complaining, or being...
Greetings From Sister Marlita / Saludos de Sister Marlita
Special Easter blessings to each of you. Our hope for new life again is in all of our hearts. Have you ever seen a droopy looking plant...