Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
Lent has begun and this liturgical season offers us a time to grow in the life of Jesus. Although we all are created as good, our...
Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
Here we are on the last Sunday of Ordinary time for many weeks to come. This week we have Ash Wednesday, and the Lenten season begins...
Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
Most of us are familiar with the portion of Matthew’s gospel entitled: The Sermon on the Mount…” Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed...
Greetings From Sister Marlita/ Saludos de Sister Marlita
I read this quote recently in a church music magazine, and I thought it was worth sharing and reflecting upon with you. “BY ITS VERY...