Ponderings from the Pastor /Reflexiones del pastor
Dear Folks, It has been many years since sharing a regular bulletin column with you. With many new hearts beating with the Life of the...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Salado's de Sister Marlita
The time has come to say: “TILL WE MEET AGAIN” I will be moving on June 30 to the Motherhouse for the remainder of summer, and I will...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Salado's de Sister Marlita
I wonder how many of us at one !me or another in our lives have expressed the same or similar words that we hear in the Gospel today:...

Greetings from Sister Marlita /Salado's de Sister Marlita
This weekend is the FARMER’S GOSPEL. We have two parables from St, Mark. The first is about how seed grows and how the farmer has to...